mercredi 8 décembre 2010

Revolution Helmet

The revolution football helmet was invented by the Riddel compagny. This helmet is an inovation beacause he is very special. On the back of the helmet, it has a bag of air that reduces the risc of concussion and to breake you're neck. You just have to put air on the bag and it mould you're head to the helmet. On yhe front of you're head you also have a bag for more confort. This invention is use by all the players of the National Football League beacause he is the safest helm never created.

dimanche 14 novembre 2010

Helmet to Helmet hit

Two weeks ago, a rules was changed by the football players association. The helmet to helmet hit. They decided that if you hit a guy with your helmet, you will be suspended or penalited. But a player, named James Harison didn't understand those rule. He got three pv for a big total of 105000 $. Abd he were suspended for three games by  Roger Goodell the NFL commecier. This rules was decided to protect the football players and to reduct the cerebaral concussion and it is working because since this rule was placed, no one player was victim of a cerebrale concussion.

jeudi 14 octobre 2010


In the NFL it as many posititon that people can play. But tody it will be about the receivers. To be a good receiver you have to be quick, tough, fast and agressif. But a really good receiver it is a gay that can make win his team in the more critical game. It has two of. The wide receiver and the slot receiver. The wide are the receivers that are the most faraway of the Quaterback. It has usally two wide receivers on the field. The slot receivers are the guys that are the most close of the quaterback. This type of players are often in motion and it can have one, two or three slot receivers on the field

-Here's a list of the 5 best slot or wide receivers in the NFL.

-1 Randy Moss
-2 Andre Johnson
-3 Reggie Wayne
-4 Terrell Owens
-5 Chad Johnson

mardi 28 septembre 2010


Hi everybody! My name is NFLfan24 and I am a boy of thirteen years old.In the life, I very like the sports, specially the contact sports and thats why my blog will be about the National Football League.My blog will discussed about the pro fooball and the best players that are in it.I have choosen this topic because I am a FANATIC of this sport and because I know many things about it.I also choose this subject cause I have many things to say about it.For more information about the NFL, go to